Monday 29 October 2012

Charity Shopping

Last Friday, me and a friend went for a mooch round our local charity shops. We have a little street near us with 7 on, so it is pretty good for an afternoon browsing.
I found a few books,
The Wild Things by Dave Eggers, which I have been wanting to read for a while. It is the basis for Where the Wild Things Are.
The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger. I have seen the film and absolutely loved it so it will be interesting to read the book. I just hope it is as good.
And, A Fraction of a Whole by Steve Toltz, which I have heard quite a bit about. It has great reviews, so should be worth a read. It is about a family of criminals and how they are trying to get rich while on the run.
I also bought this cute little, leather shoulder bag. Its tiny and suede, with a big front pocket. I just like how it looks and at £2.50 I couldn't help thinking why not. It also seems quite autumny, if that’s a word. 


  1. such a lovely bag and the books look very interesting. your blog is very good and interesting. im glad if you visit my blog, too <3

